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耶穌愛我,我知影 (台語)


詞:Anna B. Warner/曲:William B. Bradbury/翻譯:周杏宜參台語聖詩/主唱:洪佳音、周杏宜
耶穌愛我 我知影 聖經所講是真正
細漢囝仔雖軟弱 耶穌會救有替贖
主耶穌愛我 主耶穌愛我
主耶穌愛我 祂認識我的名

耶穌愛我相同行 在我身邊免驚惶
我若愛祂到路尾 祂必導我見天父
主耶穌愛我 主耶穌愛我
主耶穌愛我 祂認識我的名

耶穌犧牲祂自己 天門為咱來打開
所有罪過祂洗盡 使祂兒女入內面

主耶穌愛我 主耶穌愛我
主耶穌愛我 祂認識我的名

來認識耶穌 來親近耶穌 來相信耶穌
主耶穌真愛你 (2X)

Jesus loves me! This I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak, but He is strong

Yes, Jesus loves me! (3x)
The Bible tells me so

Jesus loves me still today
Walking with me on my way
Wanting as a friend to give
Light and love to all who live

Yes, Jesus loves me! (3x)
The Bible tells me so

Jesus loves me! He who died
Heaven’s gate to open wide
He will wash away my sin
Let His little child come in

Yes, Jesus loves me! (3x)
The Bible tells me so

您的評分: / 平均: 3.7 (12 票)



I believe.......Jesus loves me! He who died
Heaven’s gate to open wide
He will wash away my sin
Let His little child come in


Somehow the Holy Spirit touched my heart when I first heard this music, and I cried. We all know this music in English "Jesus loves me", but when it's sung by a young child in Taiwanese (with light, casual, and wonderful guitar accompaniment), it just feels, wonderful. The only constructive feedback that I would have, would be the "whooo....." sound, kinda awkward (IMHO). Other than that, this is a great piece of music! Keep up the great work!


The "whooo....." sound is a child's way to express the joy and excitement of entering into something amazing, in this case, the House of God.

great site really informative i learned a lot great stuff keep it up
